our coffee: single o


single o

We are proud to use coffee roasted by Single O. Based in Sydney, Australia, these guys lead the way in the Australian specialty coffee scene and help keep us at the top of our game. 

Established in 2003 in Surry Hills, Single O caught our attention because they not only roast beautiful coffee, but they have built genuine relationships with Coffee Farmers all around the world.  Sustainable, fair and ethical sourcing of coffee beans is important to them, just the same way we feel about our local farmers and producers. 

Single O also hooked us up with "The Juggler" which is a milk on tap system. This helps us save 6500 milk bottles from landfill annually and really minimises our milk wastage.  Reducing and eliminating waste is an every day activity at estabar.

Anyway, back to coffee - each week, we feature a different single origin. With different countries, environment, washing, drying and processing methods, the flavours of each Single Origin tells a story of where it came from and how it got to you. If you'd like to explore the intriguing world of coffee flavours, ask for your coffee on our Single Origin, no extra charge.

We love to chat all things coffee, so don't hesitate to ask us in store about our current coffee offerings.

Want to know more about our current single origin offering? Check it out here.

our house blend: paradox

A blend of layered complexity. Flavours of forest berry, hints of spice & bittersweet chocolate reveal throughout the cup with a long, lingering finish.

Take home coffee is also available to purchase in store.

250g - $15.0